
Showing posts from June, 2017

Can Women Do Intermittent Fasting?

Women can and should do intermittent fasting, as a strategy to feel full while losing weight and burning body fat. Even though women may be more sensitive to hunger, there are strategies to prevent being "hangry" while on a fast.  I used to use the term “hangry” to really describe my emotions while I was feeling hungry, but now I realize that if you’re above 16% body fat, being hungry is simply not an emergency.  And better yet, when you start to understand what the body does when it’s in a fasting state, such as release of epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline), increase growth hormone, and actually increase metabolism  –  and, by the way, it does NOT slow down  –  you start to realize the word “hangry” is just a marketing ploy. In fact, intermittent fasting is a safe and effective way to lose fat while you build muscle. GETTING STARTED WITH INTERMITTENT FASTING If you’re looking to get adjusted to  intermittent fasting , I suggest alternating a 14-hour fasting

My Warrior Fast Schedule

Setting an ideal IF schedule can be tricky. And to be honest, it's much trickier for me with the 20/4 protocol. I had to consider my workout time, when to take my protein, and settle with only warrior fasting 6 days a week. But eventually, I found a schedule that worked. I don't know how much of a help my schedule would be to you, but I've noticed many asking about it online. So, here's mine at your disposal. WEEKDAY - 20/4 SCHEDULE 7am - Get up and head to work. 9am - Kickstart day, while halting stomach growls, with coffee. 1pm - Curb midday hunger with sencha (powdered green tea). 5:30pm - Break fast with protein shake (30g of protein). 6:30pm -  Weight-train for 45-65 minutes, incorporating cardio once a week. 7:30pm -  Meal of the day consisting of vegetables, more protein, minimal carbs, and homemade coconut oil  chocolate . 9:30pm - Close feeding window with fruits. *On Thursdays and Fridays -  family sit down dinner nights -  I eat my main meal be

6 Ways To Combat Overeating

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor. These tips are what I use to tackle the impulse of overeating during intermittent fasting. What you'll find below are in regards to intermittent fasting, and unrelated to medical conditions such as binge eating disorder.   Overeating is a common problem among intermittent fast-ers. There'll come a time when we trick ourselves into believing we can eat a whole lot, in a short period, because fasting will balance off what we're about to consume. We believe, with the evidence of results, that fasting will counter our bad habits. But let's face reality - fasting isn't a free pass to unhealthy eating. And if we continue to buy into the idea that it is, we could possibly develop an eating disorder. Wouldn't that make us worse off than before? Personally, I'm no stranger to  binging . After a month of intermittent fasting, I began consuming more food than usual. While on a 3 meal a day plan, I had better control over food po

The Warrior Fast - What, How, Why?

Yes, the warrior fast , commonly known as the warrior diet . The reason why I use 'fast', instead of 'diet', is because I dislike the latter word. Also, I'm adopting the fasting protocol and not the original diet itself. So despite interchangeable terms, there's actually a difference. 'What' you ask? THE WARRIOR DIET This diet isn't an intermittent fasting protocol per se. Instead, it's 20 hours of under-feeding and 4 hours of over-feeding. During the under-feeding hours, you're allowed to consume small portions of fruits, nuts, vegetables, and protein to curb the hunger pangs. Then, when you break fast, you'll have to follow an eating order of vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates. There're also food combinations to avoid - only proteins and vegetables can be eaten with anything, while nuts and fruits, and grains and fruits, cannot go together. The warrior diet has a handful of rules to follow. And after reading up on th